What is WHOIS?
It is an online repository where you can consult the availability, name and who owns the domain in the world.
What can you consult?
Enter the domain, and learn information such as: Responsible for the domain, data of the person or company, where the DNS is directed, availability, creation and expiration date.
Common questions
How does WHOIS privacy work?
When you register a domain, you must enter all your personal information such as address, phone, email, etc. All this information is available on WHOIS for consultation, but if your hosting allows you to protect this personal data, it is very valid, because no one would like to see their personal information being seen by anyone. This protection is usually free and can be activated in the client’s panel on your hosting.
Is the Whois query tool free?
Yup. You can consult it for free, at no cost, and you can use it as many times as you want.
How do I update my domain’s Whois information?
This is one of the main rules of the ICAAN, to keep your data correct and updated, so that any contacts from your hosting can occur easily. You can update this information directly with your hosting in the user panel.